SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2630653 - HOW-TO: Collect traces to help troubleshoot errors and issues when importing data from on-premise data sources in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) ***Master KBA ***


  • You are using SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) and want to connect to data stored on your network and import that data into a model or dataset in SAP Analytics Cloud.
    • SAP Business Warehouse (BW),
    • SAP BW/4HANA,
    • SAP S/4HANA,
    • SAP HANA,
    • Universes,
    • SQL Server databases etc.
    • Note: All supported data sources are listed here: Data Connectivity – Import.
  • What tracing and logging information is needed to help troubleshoot errors and issues?
  • For live connections, see 2589761 and the product documentation: Live Data Connection.


  • SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise)


In the workflow of importing data from on-premise data sources into SAC, the following applications/products are involved where different traces could be collected:

  • SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)
  • SAP BTP Cloud Connector (SCC)
  • SAP Analytics Cloud Agent (SAC Agent)
  • On-Premise Data sources

Trace on SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)

  • Leverage browser-side tracing (Chrome Developer Tools / HTTP Archive Files (HAR)) for troubleshooting page loading performance and obtaining request / response information.
  • Refer to SAP KBA  2280022 - How to collect HAR files in SAP Analytics Cloud
  • In the network panel, detailed action log and resource information for each request can be seen by reviewing the HeaderPreviewResponseCookies, and Timing sections.
    • Header: The Request Payload is important to get the detail action log and resource information
    • Preview: In preview tab, we can also find the detail data source information.
    • Response: In response tab, we can find the status information for the request resource data.
    • Timing: Timing information is helpful when troubleshooting the performance issue. In the timing tab, we can know how the time is distributed for each request, especially for the request time and waiting time.
  • Also refer to SAP KBA: 2413393 - How to record timelines in Chrome Developer Tools in case of SAP Analytics Cloud performance issues

Trace on SAP BTP Cloud Connector (SCC)

  • The folllowing trace files are required to be collected from SCC:
    • Cloud Connector Loggers: ljs_trace.log
    • Paylod trace (or calling Traffic trace): traffic_trace_<account id>_on_<landscapehost>.trc
      => Note: <Subaccount_ID> and <Region> would be customer specific.
  • Logging and Tracing on Cloud Connector documentation can be found at: Cloud Connector > Administration > Troubleshooting.
  • See also SAP KBA 2452568 - Log and Trace files for SAP Cloud Connector.
  • Note: Once you enable the payload trace, please let the issue happen a few times and provide the trace file for further troubleshooting.

Trace on SAP Analytics Cloud Agent (SAC Agent)

  • SAP Analytics Cloud Agent is a web application (C4A_AGENT) which is deployed in the Apache Tomcat webserver to handle the connectivity between SAP Analytics Cloud and on-premise data sources after the Cloud Connector has successfully established the secure tunnel.
    • SAC Agent is only required for non-HTTP-based data source like BW, ERP, SQL databased, etc.
    • For HTTP-based data source like S/4HANA, OData, etc., the HTTP request from SAC could be transferred to data source directly via Cloud Connector, so SAC agent is not required.
  • The following trace/log information could be collected with SAC Agent and used to troubleshoot errors between SAP Analytics Cloud Agent and Data Source
    • The Tomcat error log: <Tomcat_Install_Dir>/logs/tomcat-stderr.<DATE>.log   (for example "tomcat7-stderr.2018-04-09.log")
    • The Tomcat catalina log <Tomcat_Install_Dir>/logs/catalina.<DATE>.log   (for example "catalina.2018-04-09.log")
  • See detail from SAP KBA 3406144 - HOW-TO: Collecting Trace on SAP Analytics Cloud Agent when importing data from on-premise data sources in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)
  • Note: please let the issue happen a few times and provide the trace files for further troubleshooting.

Traces on various data sources

Required Traces for different scenaiors

Check Configuration Create/Edit Connection Create model/dataset Run Import Jobs
Trace on SAC
Trace on SCC
Trace on SAC Agent
Trace on Data source

〇: Reuqired
△: Trace on SAC agent are only required for non-HTTP-based data source like BW and ERP, but not required for HTTP-based data source like S/4HANA and OData.

See Also

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SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0