SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2873888 - This field would be considered as a mandatory field in candidate profile if its marked as required = true in at least one of the templates - Recruiting Management


When uploading the candidate profile template through provisioning or Manage Templates, the following warning is displayed after the 2019 Q4 release:

Warning: The required attribute of the mapped standard elements "field_id" and "field_id" do not match. This field would be considered as a mandatory field in candidate profile if its marked as required = “true” in at least one of the templates (candidate profile template or Succession Data Model)

This is a behavior and validation change implemented as part of the 2019 Q4 release. This article will explain what will change and why this validation has been implemented. 


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management


As part of  the last release, 2019Q4, a validation has been implemented when saving candidate profile template. The warning will appear if you have a field declared in the sm-mapping section and the field is mandatory either on Candidate Profile Template or Succession data model, but the same field is not required also in one of the templates.

Below we will inlustrate the configuration that will trigger this warning.

On Candidate profile the field contact email is set as required:

<field-definition id="contactEmail" type="text" required="true" custom="false" anonymize="true" sensitive="false">

<field-label mime-type="text-plain"><![CDATA[Email Address]]></field-label>

<field-description><![CDATA[Email Address]]></field-description>


This field is also configured in sm-mapping:

<sm-mapping field-id="contactEmail" map-to="email" />

On Data model, the mapped field, email, is declared as not required:

<standard-element id="email" required="false" matrix-filter="false">



When saving candidate profile, the warming message is displayed:

Warning: The required attribute of the mapped standard elements "contactEmail" and "email" do not match.This field would be considered as a mandatory field in candidate profile if it is marked as required = "true" in at least one of the templates (candidate profile template or Succession data model).

Due to this validation change, once a field is part of sm-mapping configuration if the field is required in any of the two templates it will always be required on Candidate profile. Even if the required attribute is only set in Data model, since this release the system will consider this field as required on candidate profile side.

This change has been implemented to prevent issues with the Manage Pending Hires feature and Candidate conversion Job. With this new validation, we inteend to ensure the candidates provide all the mandatory information and are ready to be hired. 

2233525- How is the system working with sm-mapping? - Recruiting Management Issue #3

2864107 - Missing Information In Manage Pending Hires - Recruiting Management

2648209 - External to Internal Candidate Conversion Failing - Recruiting Management


RCM-63407 , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-CAN , General Candidate Issues (not Offers, not Profiles) , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions