SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2876414 - How Assessment Integration Works (Event Subscription) - Recruiting Management


This article describes the steps on How Assessment Integration Works when configured using Event Subscription.

"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management (RCM)


1. Candidates are placed in the Assessment Status and an assessment request alert is created in Admin Center > Event Notification Audit Logs. The status in the Assessment portlet will be Initiated.


2. An assessment request is made and logged in Event Notification Audit Logs after which, the middleware application picks up the data via their event listener. If there is no event notification created here, there will be no data for the middleware listener to process.


Note: Middleware listeners typically do not run on schedule, they run when there is data.

3. In an event that alert notifications are not created in the Event Notification Audit Log, please contact Support, provided that your configuration is correct and it has worked before.

4. The Middleware application will send the information to the third-party vendor.

5. The Vendor will sent out an email to the candidate to get an assessment exam, after which, the Vendor sends the assessment information back to the middleware.

6. The Middleware application returns the information to SuccessFactors and marks the assessment as completed.


7. This is what an assessment request looks like. You will find this on the Event Notification Audit Logs in Admin Center, when you click on the View link.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:createRcmAssessmentRequest xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns4="com.successfactors.alert" xmlns:ns3="com.successfactors.event.notification">

8. Description of Assessment Request Elements seen in the Assessment request above.

a. createRcmAssessmentRequest: The root element of the request to the web service operation.
b. rcmAssessmentRequest: The payload that carries information on the RCM assessment request.
c. entityId: The assessment order id.
d. entityName: The entity being shared. "AssessmentOrder" is the value for all RCM assessments.

9. This is what an assessment response looks like.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:createRcmAssessmentRequestResponse xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns4="com.successfactors.alert" xmlns:ns3="com.successfactors.event.notification">

Note: The endpointURL and assessmentURL will be shown as actually URLs in your payload.

10. Description of Assessment Order Response Elements seen in the Assessment response above.

a. assessmentUrl: The assessment url to be communicated to candidates. Mandatory field. 
b. entityId: The assessment order id for reference. Mandatory field. 
c. receiptId: Miscellaneous information.
d. status: Mandatory status value. The following enumeration identifies the meaning of each status value.

2 - INITIATED (Expected in the initial order acknowledgement)
1 - IN_PROGRESS (Expected during status updates)
0 - COMPLETED (Expected when an update for assessment completion is received)
99 - INITIATION_FAILED (Expected when something goes wrong in processing the assessment request from the vendor side)

e. statusDate: Date when the transaction is carried out in the standards for XML. Please send the date information in GMT timezone (converted to GMT) as SFAPI does not process any other timezones at present.


Assessment, Assessment Integration, Third-party Vendor, Recruiting Management, RCM, Integration, API, Event Subscription, Configuration, How-to , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-INT , Integration Center & Intelligent Services , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions