SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2302153 - Learning Email Notifications Overview


What are the actions and processes that administrators and users need to be familiar with, that trigger the various learning notifications generated by the SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management System?

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning


Note: It is suggested that you check the User Assistance Guide on each Automatic Process for more information. Use the Template ID to Trigger to Receiver Map to find out templates used by Automatic Processes.

Email Global Application Settings

(System Administration > Configuration > Global Application Settings > Mail tab)

This is where Learning mail settings are configured and where notifications are enabled/disabled globally.

Please see the User Assistance Guide for more information on this section.

Confirmation Notification Defaults

(System Administration > Application Administration > Registration Settings > Email Confirmation Defaults for Administrator and User Actions)

When you select a checkbox in this area, the system automatically selects the corresponding setting on the Class Details tab each time you create a new Class. You can override the default for each Class if required.

See KBA 2287028 for more information.

Automatic Processes (APM) Notifications (overview)

(System Administration > Automatic Processes)

  • Email Recipients: If you select either the User or Manager check boxes, then the system includes those users when it sends a notification
  • Email Address: This is generally the email address of the learning administrator who is setting up the automatic process and wants to be notified about the success or failure of the automatic process. This email address is in addition to the normal recipients of notifications. This additional automatic process notification recipient receives a copy of the notice. In certain processes, the admin will receive a comprehensive list of all users or classes that are affected.

Specific APM Notifications

Assignment Profile Execute Updates:

  • This process uses the ApmSynchronizeStudentChangesAssignmentProfile template ID to create and send notifications
  • The automatic process sends notifications when it finds that a user has been moved into or out of an assignment profile

Exceeded Attachment Space Email Notification:

  • This is an automatic process which sends an email when the combined size of the attachments in the system equals or exceeds the allotted space for attachments
  • The automatic process uses the ApmAttachmentQuotaWatch notification template to send an email message when the combined size of the attachments in the system equals or exceeds the percentage in the Utilization Threshold box multiplied by the value of the totalAttachmentsSpaceAllocatedKB property in the ATTACHMENT configuration file

Change Library Price Email Notification:

  • This process reports (using the ApmUpdateCatalogPrice template ID) all price changes since the last time the process was executed
  • This automatic process sends notifications when it finds price changes in the library that have not been reported to the administrator

Restart or Stop Approval Process:

The Clean Up Approval Processes automatic process sends out notifications when it finds and stops approval processes, like approval requests, that are associated with items that have been removed from a user's learning plan.

Coupon Expiration Email Notification:

  • The automatic process cycles through all the coupon records, looking for coupon records whose Valid To date falls within the option that you select in the Expiration Email Notification Threshold are.
  • The system calculates dates differences based on calendar days; the system includes all weekends and holidays, even if you have created holiday profiles.
  • When the system finds a coupon that is about to expire (based on what you select in the Expiration Email Notification Threshold area), it sends an email notification, using the ApmCouponExpiry notification template, to the person whose email address is saved in the Owner Email box on the Summary tab of the expiring coupon record.

Curriculum/Program Maintenance:

  • System administrators schedule the automatic process to reset the relationship between learning items in programs and curricula
  • The process sends a notification (using the ApmQualificationCleanup template ID) that sends the list of affected curricula to the address in the Email Address box
  • This automatic process sends out notifications when it finds multiple revisions of an item, with concurrent effective dates, associated with the same curriculum

Deny Expired Approval Process:

  • The Deny Expired Processes automatic process cancels any approval process for a pending enrollment or external learning request if the requested event has a start date that is in the past
  • The process sends a notification to the user confirming the denied request using the ApprovalProcessRequestExpired or ApprovalProcessRequestDenied notification templates

Course Feedback and Follow-up Surveys Email Notification:

  • The automatic process performs two tasks:
    • it sends survey assignment notifications for both Item Evaluations and Follow-up Evaluations
  • This automatic process uses the ItemEvaluationAssignmentNotification template to send Item Evaluation email notifications to the affected users and uses the FollowupEvaluationAssignmentNotification template to send email notification to Follow-up Evaluation participants

External Verification Approval Reminder:

  • The automatic process is intended to prompt users to submit completed external learning events to their managers for verification
  • This automatic process uses the ExternalVerificationReminder template to create and send notifications
  • The external verification reminder automatic process sends out email notifications if it finds a user with an external learning event that has a completion date in the past but the user has not yet requested for the supervisor to verify the learning event

Send Jam Groups Invitation:

The Item Jam group notification automatic process uses the JamGroupInvitation notification template to send notifications when an administrator sets one of the available invitation settings while associating an item with a Jam group.

Class Request Demand Met Email Notification:

  • The item schedule demand automatic process sends notifications when it finds that the number of requests for an item matches or exceeds the minimum number of registration set of item
  • This automatic process uses the ApmComponentRequest template

Learning Expiration Notification:

  • The learning expiration automatic process sends notifications when it finds an item or curriculum for a user where the number of days left to the required date is less than the number of days in the Threshold box
  • This automatic process uses the ApmTrainingExpiration template to send notifications

Learning Overdue Notification:

The learning expiration automatic process sends notifications when it finds an item or curriculum for a user has expired trainings and are not completed within certain period (Before Required Date)

Learning Plan Email Notification:

  • The learning plan notification automatic process sends notifications to users when an item from the user’s learning plan is added, removed, or modified, and to managers when a learning event is recorded for one of their direct reports
  • That is, managers are notified even if the item is not on the user's learning plan
  • This automatic process uses the ApmStudentLearningPlanNotification (users) and the ApmSupervisorLearningPlanNotification (supervisors) templates
  • After you configure this automatic process, you must also access the Learning Plan Notification Settings. (System Administration > Application Administration > User Settings > Learning Plan Email Notification Settings)
    • Notify user when item added to their learning plan: If you select this checkbox, the system notifies users when an item is added to their learning plan
    • Notify user when item modified in their learning plan: If you select this checkbox, the system notifies users when an item on their learning plan is modified
    • Notify user when item removed from their learning plan: If you select this checkbox, the system notifies users when an item is removed from their learning plan
    • Notify Supervisor when user successfully completes an item: If you select this checkbox, the system notifies supervisors when an item is successfully completed by a subordinate user
    • Notify Supervisor when user unsuccessfully completes an item: If you select this checkbox, the system notifies supervisors when an item is NOT successfully completed by a subordinate user
    • Allow user to modify learning plan notification settings: If you select this checkbox, the system enables users to modify this learning plan’s notification settings

Prepaid Account Low Balance Email Notification:

  • This is the process that sends emails when a purchase order has reached a low balance and should be funded
  • The automatic process sends an email alert to users to fund the purchase order
    • NOTES:
      • The recipients of the low balance email are also set on the purchase order
      • Often, the person responsible for funding the purchase order is not directly associated with the learning organization
      • Also, you might want to include a learning administrator or another user who is not directly responsible for funding the purchase order
      • To allow this flexibility, you specify who should receive the email for each purchase order on the purchase order record

Purge Expired Library Items:

  • This process removes any item that has passed its expiration date from a library
  • This process uses the ExpiredCatalogItemsNotification template ID to create and send notifications
  • The automatic process sends out notifications when it finds an item in a library with an expiration date in the past
  • It removes the items from the library that still have the items listed

Reset Online Item Progress:

  • This process uses the ApmResetOnlineComponents template ID to create and send notifications
  • This reset online item automatic process sends notifications when it finds online items that have not yet been completed and that the number of days since the initial launch has exceeded the number of days specified for the online item

Upcoming Class Reminder Email Notification:

  • The automatic process sends email reminders to users so that they do not miss a class that they are registered for
  • You control how early users receive the reminder
  • In the Threshold box, type the number of days in advance of the class that you want to remind users
  • Type a threshold that is higher than the scheduled interval of the APM
  • For example:
    • If you type 7 in Threshold but run the APM every month, users do not receive their email a week before their training (as you intended with the threshold)
    • Instead, they receive reminders monthly, when the APM runs

Free-of-Charge Subscription Expiration Email Notification:

  • When the subscription nears its end, the Subscription Expiration notification alerts subscription owners to the fact that the subscription is about to run out
    • Subscriptions are managed in a different part of the administration interface
    • Each subscription has an owner
    • It is the owner who receives the email from this process
  • You can set the threshold for notification expiry and this email, for example:
    • If you set the threshold to one month, then the system sends emails to owners whose subscriptions are due to end in one month
    • This gives the owners an opportunity to renew the subscription

Requested Class Availability Email Notification:

  • When administrators add a class for a course that users have requested, the automatic process notifies users that their request has been met.
  • When the User Requested Class Notification APM runs, it looks for:
    • New learning offerings that have been added to the catalogs of users who have made requests
    • The start date of the offerings that have been added: are they before the need by date of the request
    • The need by date is the date that the user needs to take the course: it is the user's deadline, the APM looks to see if the offering helps users meet their deadline
    • The offerings are in the users' geographic regions
      • Some companies do not use regions
      • If the user does not have a region, the APM skips this step
      • The APM looks for regions so that the offering is close to the user. Users submit requests because they do not have travel budget and so they need an offering that meets their deadline in their region
  • When a user with a request has offerings that meet the criteria, the APM sends them an email
  • The email includes the course name (learning item title), it includes the details of the offering, and it provides a link to register for the offering

Process VLS Attendance:

  • The automatic process notifies the distribution list with the amount of VLS events that had attendance data successfully retrieved and the amount of learning events recorded
  • It also triggers the record learning event trigger, which sends its own emails
  • Recipients: The email address identified in the tool is the recipient of the notifications about the success of the automatic process. In addition to the information send to the distribution list you identify, the automatic process sends an email to the contact associated with the class about when the learning events were recorded.
  • The VLS attendance processing automatic process sends notifications if it finds a user who has attended a session of the virtual classrooms in the past but the data for the VLS attendance has not been retrieved and recorded

Move Users from Waitlist to Request List:

  • This automatic process uses the ApmWaitlistRequest template ID to create and send notifications
  • The waitlist to request list automatic process sends notifications when it finds classes that have a start date in the past and have a waitlist of users

Recommendations Newsletter:

  • The Recommendations Newsletter Automatic Process Manager (APM) sends the recommendations that the system has found for a user. It does not make the recommendations
  • Recommendations can come from multiple sources, such as a peer or from the recommendations engine
  • Using the Notification Interval: The notification interval defines a time when a user won't receive the recommendations newsletter. It is a “rest period” between notifications. You define it in days.

User-Created Account Approval Reminder:

  • Configure the system to send user-created account reminders so that users who have requested accounts can receive the results of their requests
  • In Maximum Notifications, set the maximum number of notifications for each request to be sent to an approver
    • If the number of notifications sent to an approver exceeds the maximum, the request is still active, but the system no longer sends messages
    • If you do not provide a value, there is no maximum: the approver will receive reminders indefinitely
  • In Reminder Period, set the number of days that the system should wait before resending a reminder
  • This automatic process uses the ApmWaitlistRequest template ID to create and send notifications
  • The waitlist to request list automatic process sends notifications when it finds classes that have a start date in the past and have a waitlist of users


SF, success factors, LMS, how-to, functionality, behavior, definition, documentation, emails, e-mail, notice, general, high-level, info, explanation, kac, kal , KBA , lmsadminui , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , LOD-SF-LMS-SCH , Class - Scheduled Offerings , LOD-SF-LMS-APM , Automatic Processes , How To


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