SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2184360 - VLS Attendance Processing APM error:java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to get the length of an array loaded from local variable 'vleEnrollSeats'


VLS Attendance Processing APM throwing the below Error:

java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to get the length of an array loaded from local variable 'vleEnrollSeats'
at com.plateausystems.elms.framework.vle.impl.PlaceWareEvent.retrieveEventAttendance(
... (more)


SAP SuccessFactors Learning (LMS)


Class has VLS Settings Enabled in UI, but settings not populated or misconfigured.


Using a custom report (See KBA 2379690) can validate if the value of “ATTENDANCE_DURATION“ column in PA_VLE_ENROLL_SEAT table based on LST_UPD_TSTMP is “NULL” then take the “EVENT_ID" of that particular record and check in PA_VLE_EVENT for the Class IDs (schd_id).
For each, Ensure the VLS enabled class is configured to automatically record attendance:

  1. Synchronize a Class with a VLS server.
  2. Ensure "Automatically add to learning history as part of VLS Attendance Processing" to Active
  3. Minimum Attendance Percentage for Credit should be populate with the percent of time users need to attend the session in order to receive credit.
  4. For Credit Completion Status should be set to a for-credit completion status. This is the completion status used for the learning events recorded for users that attended the session for the required % of time
  5. Non-credit Completion Status should be set to a non-credit completion status. This is the completion status used for the learning events recorded for users that did not attend the session for the required % of time.
  6. Click Save & run the Process VLS APM


java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to get the length of an array loaded from local variable 'vleEnrollSeats', VLS, Attendance, Processing, APM, throwing, error, class , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-SCH , Class - Scheduled Offerings , LOD-SF-LMS-APM , Automatic Processes , LOD-SF-LMS-BCJ , Assign (bulk), Add/ Delete Sub/ Cur, Revise, Import , LOD-SF-LMS-VLS , Virtual Learning System , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions