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2143490 - Error HDB 05401 - It was not possible to establish an SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform user session. Check the user name and password


When connecting to SAP BI to Load or Save a Lumira document Lumira displays the error message "It was not possible to establish an SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform user session. Check the user name and password. (HDB 05401)" or "It was not possible to establish an SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform user session. Check the Parameters".




  • SAP Lumira Desktop SP 23 at time of creation


SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0


0.18 1.17 BI Lumira HDB05401 HDB 05401 BOE BI BusinessObjects SAP Plat form param , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , BI-LUM-SRV , SAP Lumira Server , BI-LUM-OD , SAP Lumira Cloud , BI-LUM-LIM , Lumira In-Memory Add-on to BOE , Problem

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