SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2092931 - Employee Central: Some Users do not Synchronize via HRIS Sync and do not Appear in Ad Hoc and ORD Reports (IS_EC_SYSTEM_OF_RECORD)


  • Data for EC users versus non EC users.
  • You are in process of rolling out Employee Central for their organization, and not all users are in EC – they only have Employee Profile data loaded. The admin noticed that some of those non EC users had Biographical and Employment data loaded for them but when they tried to report on this data, they were unable to do so.  The EC data only showed online.

  • HRIS Sync - some users do not synchronize - why?
  • EC Ad Hoc reports - I cannot see EC data for some users in reports - why?
  • error message:  Message:{Global Identification Number (GIN) is invalid or user-id  is not associated to valid person in the system. Please import employment info record for user-id  first.



SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM all versions


IS_EC_SYSTEM_RECORD, ec imports, import employee data, IS_EC_SYSTEM_RECORD=1, IS_EC_SYSTEM_RECORD=0, ad hoc, users not returned in report, users did not sync, hris sync, IS_EC_SYSTEM_OF_RECORD=0, IS_EC_SYSTEM_OF_RECORD=1, ECT-45904,user-id  is not associated to valid person in the system. Please import employment info record for user-id  first, Message:{Global Identification Number (GIN) is invalid , KBA , sf employee_central , sf email , LOD-SF-EC-EDP , Import Employee Data (EC Core only) , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , Problem

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