SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2076686 - Manage Templates - Create new template from Admin Tools SuccessStore


How to add a new standard Performance Review template in Admin Center via SuccessStore?


  • SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management
  • SAP SuccessFactors 360 Multi-Rater
  • SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management
  • SAP SuccessFactors Career Development Plan


SAP SuccessFactors offer the option for you to download for free pre-built templates from our SuccessStore. These are to be used as-is. Confirm these work as-is before making any alterations. If your alterations break functionality Product Support will not be able to fix these. Rather you should simply redownload the official working template from the SuccessStore again and only make single changes, then test to ensure this change works before making further changes. Test after each change, otherwise it can be impossible to determine which change causes the break when you make lots of changes at once. Test functionality throughout the change process, not just at the end. If after making a single change you get an error or result you feel is invalid, then please open a support ticket as we will support this type of issue and assist in defect resolution.

Follow the steps below to add the template:

  1. Go to Admin Center;
  2. Go to Manage Templates;
  3. Click on Performance Review, 360, Goals or Development tab;
  4. Click Add a New Template;
  5. Select the new template;
  6. Click Add to my Instance.

To view information on what configuration changes the customer can do via self-service tools, what must be performed by an SAP Partner or with Professional Services engagement and what can be asked to SAP Product Support via Software Change Request, refer to the KB Article 2250186 - SCR Form: XML Software Change Requests for PM / 360 Reviews Performance Processes / Templates.

Note: when creating new Goal or Development templates, it may take some time for them to appear in the module for selection. Please allow up to 20 minutes.

See Also

  • KBA 2250186 - SCR Form: XML Software Change Requests for PM / 360 Reviews Performance Processes / Templates
  • KBA 2077413 - PM Template Settings & Changes to Live Forms - Performance Management
  • KBA 2077152 - Manage Templates - Delete a section from template - Performance Management


SuccessFactors, Success Factors, SF, SuccessStore, new template, new standard, Performance Review, create, Goal Template, Performance Template, 360, MTR, Development template , KBA , sf performance manage templates , LOD-SF-PM-FRM , Forms & Templates , LOD-SF-CDP-TMP , Template Management , LOD-SF-GM-TMP , Template Management , LOD-SF-MTR-FRM , Forms and Templates , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Succession & Development all versions