SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1213940 - Online Help (F1) not available after installing Crystal Reports 8.5


After installing Crystal Reports 8.5, the Online Help fails to launch in the Crystal Reports Designer after clicking the Help menu, and then clicking Crystal Reports Help. The same behavior also occurs when pressing the F1 key.


This behavior occurs when Crystal Reports 8.5 is installed on any computer with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 installed. This is a known issue and has been tracked with the Track ID ADAPT00045801.

To work around this issue, install the Crystal Reports 8.5 help file and then modify a registry subkey.

Install the Crystal Reports 8.5 help file


If you do not have your Crystal Reports 8.5 CD available, complete these steps:

  1. Download the file from the support site.
  2. Extract the crw.chm file to the C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\Help\En folder.
  3. Proceed to the next section - Modify registry subkey.

If you do have your Crystal Reports 8.5 CD availalble, complete these steps:

  1. Click Start > Control PanelAdd/Remove Programs.
  2. Click Crystal Reports from the list of installed programs.
  3. In Windows 2000/XP, click the Change button. In Windows 9x/ME, click the Add/Remove button. The Crystal Reports Setup dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Add/Remove button. Expand Crystal Reports Programs in the Select Feature dialog. Expand Help.
  5. Click Compiled HTML Format (*.chm)Entire feature will be unavailable.
  6. Click HTML > Entire feature will be unavailable.
  7. In the Crystal Reports Setup dialog box, click Next > Next > Finish.
  8. Repeat steps 2 through 4.
  9. Click Compiled HTML Format (*.chm) > Entire Feature will be installed on local hard drive.
  10. Click Next > Next to run the installation.
Test the help files now. If they are still not available, proceed to the next section.

Modify registry subkey



The following resolution involves editing the registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall the Windows operating system. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.


View the 'Changing Keys And Values' online Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).


It is strongly advised that you make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and User.dat on Win9x computers) before you edit the registry.


  1. Click Start > Run.
  2. Type "regedit" in the Run dialog box. Click OK. The Registry Editor appears.
  3. Expand this registry sub key: HKey_Local_Machine | Software | Seagate Software | Crystal Reports | Help.
  4. Expand the subkey that is named after your respective language code. For example, for English, the subkey is named 'En' and for French, the subkey is named 'Fr'.



If this subkey does not exist, manually create it.
Create a key called "Help" in HKey_Local_Machine | Software | Seagate Software | Crystal Reports
Create a stringvalue called "BaseName" with a value of "crw"
Create another stringvalue called "En" value "C:\Program\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\Help\En\"
Create a regdword named "Format" with a value of  "2"


5. If the registry subkey in step 4 is

" C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\Help\<your language code>, then set the value for the 'Format' registry entry to "0x00000002 (2)",

else if it is

" C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\Help\<your language code>\HTML, then set the value for the 'Format' registry entry to "0x00000003 (3)".

6. Exit the Registry Editor.

The Online Help is now available from either the Help menu or the F1 key.

See Also

For more information, please refer to Note 1213587.

The Online Help file (Crw.chm) uses certain web components from IE. Crystal Reports 8.5 was developed and released prior to the release of IE 6.0 and the Online Help does not correctly recognize this version of IE during the initial install.


HELP F1 ONLINE INTERNET EXPLORER 6 INSTALL REINSTALL ON LINE IE CR ON-LINE Crystal Reports Installation Online Help , c2010291 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed


SAP Crystal Reports 8.0