SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3268313 - Survey with Attributes: Simulation Not Working / Blank


Surveys questions of type attribute don't show in the Simulation. If this is the only question type in the survey, the simulation will be blank.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Surveys work centre view
  2. Create a new survey, for example of type 'Checklist'
  3. In the Design facet, add a question of type 'Attribute'
  4. Enter the question text and add attributes as answer option (Marketing Attributes need to have been previously created in the system)
  5. Click 'Simulation'

Result: if this is the only question in the survey, the simulation shows blank. If other questions are added, those will show, but the Attribute question will not be visible. 


Questions of type attribute do not show in the simulation - it is expected that the simulation stays blank for this question type due to the framework.

The question type can only be used to update marketing attributes (create scenario is not possible) and therefore this question type will only show during survey execution for objects where attributes are actually allowed to be used/ where attributes can be updated (see KBA mentioned in the 'See Also' section, below).


This is a known and expected system behaviour due to the attribute question type's context.

See Also


blank, survey, simulate, simulation, broken, attribute, attributes, marketing , KBA , LOD-LE-SUR , Survey , LOD-LE-SUR-DEF , Survey definition = design time , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2208