SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3052282 - No Production Request Matches Production Requisition


You have created a Production Proposal and released same. However, the system does not create a Production Request. And when you check in Business Document with Differences, the system is reporting: "No production request matches production requisition " for the Production Proposal.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Application and User Management work center.
  2. Go to the Business Document Differences view.
  3. Find and select the row with the Business Document One ID which is the relevant Production Proposal.
  4. You can see the error description: No production request matches production requisition XYZ (XYZ represents the ID of the relevant Production Proposal).
  5. If you open the relevant Product Planning Details in Supply Planning work center, you can see the Production Request XYZ has the status Requested.
  6. If you open the Production Request XYZ, and go to the Document flow tab, you can see the Production Request Planning Details XYZ, but there's no Production Request.
  7. If you go to the Production Requests view of the Production Control work center, you also cannot find the Production Request listed.
  8. Also, if you perform a Start Repeat Check and Start document synchronisation, the issue remains unresolved.


The Input Product of the affected Production Proposal is different from the Input Product in the relevant Released Planning Model (RPM).

You have replaced the Input Product in the Production Proposal with another Input Product without deleting the row of the Input Products to be replaced first, and creating a new row with the new Input Product. This has lead to the Release message failing in the back-end.


The correct way to change the Input Product of a Production Proposal is to delete the row of the existing Input Product first, and create a new row with the new required Input Products.

  1. Create a new Production Proposal.
  2. Go to Supply Control work center.
  3. Go to the Process Production Proposals view.
  4. Find and select the relevant Production Proposal.
  5. Click the Edit button.
  6. Navigate to Products tab, and then to the Input Product sub-tab.
  7. Delete the row of the existing relevant Input Product.
  8. Add a new row and enter the new Input Product according to your requirement.
  9. Save.


Open differences in BO pair ProductionRequisition ProductionRequest , KBA , AP-PE-REQ , Production Request , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions