SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3044192 - Contract Determination


Collection of information regarding Contract Determination.


SAP Cloud for Customer


In principle, the Service Contract Determination for Tickets works in the same way as the Sales Contract Determination for Quotes. However, different attributes can be configured to be considered for the determination.

When you don’t understand why a specific Contract (Item) was not assigned to a specific Quote (Item), then you should first have a look at the Contract Determination Log.
There you see for each relevant attribute (according to its Business Configuration (BC) configuration), if there is a match between Quote and Contract data.
You can enter your sample Quote ID 123 (123 represents the quote ID) into the filter field “Reference Doc. ID”.
If there are several equally well applicable Contract Items available for a Quote Item, then nothing is assigned automatically, but there is a message raised, that it should be assigned manually.
If no suitable (applicable) Contract is found, nothing is assigned automatically.

  • What attributes define whether the contract item is unique or not?

See the documentation provided below. For example, in the Contract Determination Log you see all potentially relevant attributes for Service and Sales Contracts. For Sales Contracts only a sub-set is relevant. Moreover, it depends on the Business Configuration (BC), whether something is considered as relevant or not.
Most important attributes for Sales Contracts are Account, Product, Requested Delivery date, Sales Area. For example, if multiple contracts exist for the same Account, Product sales area and valid for the requested delivery date of a quote; then, the contract item is not unique.

  • If there is no link to the contract for quote item 10 (10 represents an example quote item), what does that mean? Several contracts for the same client? Or several contracts for different clients but the same item?

Either no valid (applicable) contract items exists or multiple contract items exist.
When you open the value help of the Contract (Item) field in the Quote, you can see, how many applicable Contracts  exist.

  • Is it possible to have a link to the contract for each item on a sales quote?

In principle this is possible, but only, if at least one suitable (applicable) Contract exists which was either assigned automatically, or manually, to the corresponding Sales Quote Item.

See Also

Search for „Contract Determination” in the C4C Help Center:
1.) Contract Determination in Tickets
2.) Use the Contract Determination Log

In addition there are some blog articles available:

How to Influence the Contract Determination with Contract Attributes in SAP Cloud for Customer

Further blog articles focus more on the Service Contract Determination in Tickets:


Contract, Quote, Sales, Service, Determination, link, missing, item, items, contract item , KBA , LOD-LE-COP , Contract Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions