SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3036210 - How to Migrate E-Mails With Status Completed Using Data Workbench or OData


You want to import e-mails with status 3 (Completed) and Transmission Status 2 (Sent) or empty, but this is not possible. Each attempt leads to the following error:

"CorrespondenceTransmissionStatusCode does not fit to InitiatorCode"

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP Cloud for Customer


Lifecycle Status should not to be passed when Initiator Code and Transmission Status is passed via Data Workbench. The same is valid for OData payloads.

The status will get determined based on Transmission Code and Direction. In addition, when you import the file from Data Workbench with the Transmission Code as 2 (Sent) and Direction as 3 (Outbound) without any Recipient information, the status will be set to 2 (Open), as the e-mail information is not complete without the Recipient setting the status as Completed.


To set the Lifecycle Status as 3 (Completed), the Transmission Code and Direction needs to be passed along with the Recipient information.

In Data Workbench, the relevant columns (EMail_External_Key, Message_To_Email, Party ID, etc.) in Email_To_Recipients.csv file must be filled.

You may load the complete object (again with Lifecycle Status empty, Transmission Status 2 and Direction 3 and recipient sheet filled). Or you may load at least the following:

- zip both the files (Emails.csv and Email_To_Recipients.csv)
- Upload

Note: Do not pass status.

For e-mails which were already loaded as Open, you may just insert the Recipient file and afterwards update the e-mail header with only the Transmission Status 2 (Sent) and Direction 3 (Outbound) and leave the Lifecycle status empty.


In relation to OData, find the following payload for your reference:

Sample Payload




See Also

See also KBA:  2095515 - Error During Migration of E-mail Activities: CorrespondenceTransmissionStatusCode does not fit to InitiatorCode


DWB activity upload import email emails e-mail odata , KBA , LOD-LE-AM , Activity Management , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2102