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3013470 - SAP S/4HANA output control - Issues with output


You have triggered output from a business application but it resulted in errors or no output.

The corresponding output items show status Error and the message log shows messages like:

a) Error(s) occurred when saving the document to KPRO.
A technical error occurred when saving the output document to DMS.
Error when trying to access KPRO file storage (Save Not Allowed).

b) SOAP Framework error: SOAP:1023 SRT: Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ("Connection to partner timed out after 7200s.")(100,106).

The corresponding output items show status Completed but no output is performed.

c) No email has been sent.

d) No documents are send to the printer.

e) Output items are not processed and seem to be stuck in status To Be Output.





BRF+, 1LQ, KPRO, SOAP, PRINT, EMAIL, Manage Output Items, Display Email Transmission, To Be Output, erroneous output, output issue, technical errors during output , KBA , CA-GTF-OC , SAP S/4HANA output management , BC-SRV-KPR , Knowledge Provider , BC-SEC-VIR , Anti Virus Protection , BC-CCM-PRN-OM-PM , S/4HANA Output Management Print Manager , BC-NEO-ECM-SER , Document Center - Server, Web App, AdminUI , BC-SRV-FP-NEO , Adobe-Interactive-Forms-Cloud-Wartung, Neo , BC-SRV-FP-OM , Output Management: Form Services , XX-S4C-OPR-INC , S/4HANA Cloud Availability, Performance and Administration , Problem

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