SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2882151 - What is the Difference Between Date Offset and the Invoice Date Offset in the Invoice Run


When creating and Invoice Run you can maintain a Date Offset and an Invoice Date Offset. You would like to know the difference and how they affect the created invoices.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.

Select the Invoice Run view.

Click on the New button and select the Invoice Run option.

In the New Invoice Run under the section Selection Criteria you can see the field Date Offset and under the section Invoice Properties you can see the field Invoice Date Offset.


Date Offset:Specifies a date offset to calculate a selection date from the current date. The system then selects the invoice requests with an invoice date earlier than or equal to the selection date. Positive date offset values defined dates in the future while negative values refer to dates in the past.

Invoice Date Offset:Specifies a date offset to calculate and invoice date from the current date. The system then creates invoice documents with an invoice date calculated by the invoice date offset and the execution date of the invoice run. Positive date offset values define dates in the future while negative values refer to dates in the past. If the offset is set to 0 days the invoice date will be set to the date of the execution. If the offset is empty the invoice date of the Invoice Request will be set in the Invoice Document.


 To explain the system behavior of both fields in an example:

Date Offset:

This defines which invoice requests will be selected in an invoice run according to their invoice date. 
You are creating/executing an invoice run on the 26th of May YYYY (represents the year). There is an invoice request for which the invoice date is the 22nd of May YYYY. Hence, the difference between both are -4 days. So if you keep the Date offset as -4, the system selects all invoice request in this invoice run which are on or before the 22nd of May YYYY. Same case with positive Date offset.

Invoice Date Offset:

This defines which date will be the invoice date of the invoices created by this run.
You are creating an invoice run on the 26th of May 2019 with the invoice date offset as 0, then invoice date of the invoices created by this run is the 26th of May YYYY.
If you maintain an invoice date offset as -1, then invoice date of the invoices created by this run is the 25th of May YYYY. The same logic applies to positive values also.
If you do not maintain an invoice date offset and leave the field empty, then invoice date of the invoices created by this run is the same as the invoice date of the corresponding invoice request.

See Also

2862379 - How To Work With Invoice Runs


Invoice Run; Invoice Date; not selected; no results; offset date; offset; , KBA , AP-CI-RUN , Customer Invoice Run , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 1911