SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2776630 - Customer Invoice Cannot be Released due to a Conflict detected in the Scheduled Invoice Request


The following warning message is displayed when trying to release a Customer Invoice: The Customer Invoice is not released and the following warning appears: Conflict detected in item XX of Customer Invoice Request ID EFG; release not possible.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Select the Invoicing Documents view.
  3. Select Customer Invoice XYZ (XYZ represents the ID of the Invoice).
  4. Click the Release button.
  5. The Customer Invoice is not released and the following warning appears: Conflict detected in item XX of Customer Invoice Request ID EFG; release not possible

Customer Invoice XYZ was created from a Scheduled Invoice Request ABC which was created via Contract EFG (ABC represents the ID of the Scheduled Invoice Request and EFG represents the ID of the Contract)

  1. Go to the Invoice Request view.
  2. Select Scheduled Invoice Request ABC.
  3. You can see that the status is With Conflict.
  4. Click the Check button.
  5. The following warning is displayed: Conflict in item XX; referencing invoice schedule item XX is cancelled
  6. Go to the Sales Orders work center.
  7. Select the Contracts view.
  8. Open Contract EFG (EFG represents the ID of the Contract).
  9. Navigate to the Items tab.
  10. Select the line item XX which was invoiced in Customer Invoice XYZ (XX represents the line item number).
  11. In the Details tab and the Cancellation section you can see that the Invoice Cancellation is set to Keep Invoice Requests.
  12. Navigate to the Pricing and Invoicing tab and the Invoice Schedule sub tab.
  13. Expand line item XX.
  14. You can see that the invoice schedule dates including the invoice schedule date for which Scheduled Invoice Request ABC was created are in status Canceled.

Since the Invoice Cancellation is set to Keep Invoice Requests you expect that the Scheduled Invoice Request ABC is not in conflict and the Customer Invoice XYZ can be released.


The Invoice Schedule in Contract EFG was cancelled via the Action button and the Cancel open dates option in the Invoice Schedule of the Contract. If an Invoice is not released the status in the Invoice Schedule for the respective scheduled date will be open. The action Cancel open dates, cancels all open Invoice Schedules. Therefore, the Scheduled Invoice Request ABC is with Conflict since the item was already cancelled and the Customer Invoice XYZ cannot be released.


You need to cancel the Customer Invoice XYZ.

The Scheduled Invoice Request ABC status will change to Processed.


Cancel open dates; Keep Invoice Request; Scheduled Invoice Request; With Conflict; Release; Invoice; Conflict detected; release not possible; Cancel Pending Invoice Requests; demande de facture; conflit , KBA , ausstehende rechnungsanforderungen storn , rechnungsanforderungen beibehalten , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , AP-CCP-CC , Customer Contract , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 1905 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1908