SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2750497 - Cross Domain Solution Upgrade Process


  • What is the cross domain solution upgrade process and where are the latest CDS files found?
  • It is recommended to upgrade the proxlet for both taking advantage of the course home experience and also upgraded security information.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning


Download the latest CDS files from SAP Software Downloads. (Please Note, in order to access you must have a S-User id.)

If SAP Software Downloads is blank, please see 1613994 for assistance. If further assistance is required, please raise an incident under the component listed in the Article.

Below are the steps for the upgrade: (The cross domain zip will have content zip and proxlet war artifacts.)

  1. Bring down the server where we have the Apache proxy and Tomcat application installed >
  2. Deploy the latest proxlet and content zip in configured location >
  3. Configure the below JVM arguments by providing LMS tenant information:
    1. -DLMSServerWhitelist=,
    2. Ensure the latest TLS settings are only listed, e.g. -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2
  4. Please check JDK version of the server (The recommended version is JDk 1.8.212 or latest version of JDK 1.8):

    a. If the JDK version is 11 or later we need add JAXB library in the server. We can download latest JAXB jar from:
    b. If the JDK version is less that 11, we don’t need any changes.

  5. Restart the server or Tomcat services. (The recommend version: Tomcat 8 or above).

Note: Step 4 may be required for the customers if they have latest JDK.

If you are unsure how to configure the above settings, please reach out to your Account Executive to engage a partner or Professional Services to assist.

If you are experiencing issues after upgrading please make sure to provide the following details in your support case:

  • OS system
  • Java version used
  • JDK version used
  • What server you are using for content hosting (Tomcat/Microsoft)
  • please launch a course and collect network traces
  • Proxlet server logs


SF, success factors, LMS Cross Domain Solution, CDS, new proxlet, upgraded, 2005 Release , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CNT , Content , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions