SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2710002 - Sales Order is Inconsistent Due to the Error: Costs not determined: SoapFaultCode:5 connection closed (no data)


A Sales Order is inconsistent due to the following error:

Item XX: Costs not determined: SoapFaultCode:5 connection closed (no data)


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center.
  2. Select the Sales Orders view.
  3. Open Sales Order XYZ (XYZ represents the ID of the Sales Order).
  4. The following error is displayed for line item XX (XX represents the line item number):
  5. Item XX: Costs not determined: SoapFaultCode:5 connection closed (no data)


This error occurs due to a network issue when the document was created.


To solve the issue you need to remove the line item XX and add the item again. The system will reconnect and the network problem will not occur.


SoapFaultCode:5 connection closed (no data); Costs not determined; SoapFaultCode:5; connection closed (no data); Sales Order; Item; Inconsistent , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions