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2705244 - Employee Delta Export report based on "End date" /Date range filter on "last_modified_on" field


  • You are using Employee Delta Export report to generate a report based on the "End date" or "Date range" filter on "last_modified_on" field, so that you may provide  end date filter also in order to achieve report generation of changes happened in a period of time.
  • Expectation for the 'end date' filter to act on last modified date on audit data of all segments and to find the changes occurred between specified start date and end date.





SAP SuccessFactors HCM all versions


Employee Delta Export Report, start date and end date filter for last_Modified_on field, last_modified_on based on start and end date period , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-CE , Compound Employee API , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , Problem

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