SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2481903 - LMS - Additional identifier in user type-ahead search results


What is it?
Admin can now configure an additional User identifier to be displayed in braces for the User Type-Ahead search results in case of the Peer Recommendation pop-up launched from Collection, Catalog Browse, and User Search on the Instructor's My Classes page.

Note: Once the User is selected, the ID will not be displayed in the selected list.

Why is it important?
Enables Users to identify and select the intended user when there are multiple with the same name.

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LMS,LRN-16921, type-ahead, Enhancement, Identifier, Recommendation, additionalIdentifierDisplayedInUserSearch, My Classes, user search,Instructor Landing page, Instructor UI, Recommend to Others, library, , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CAT , Catalog , LOD-SF-LMS-INS , Instructors and My Classes , Product Enhancement

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