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2413374 - Learning Training Planner - Knowledge Support and Tips



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1. Training Planner Functionality Overview

1.1. Objectives

2. Training Planner: Configure and Set up Training Planner

2.1. Administrator Set-Up

2.2. Permissions

2.3. Auto-Assignment

3. Training Planner: Managing Training Requests

3.1. Employee Role

3.2. Manager Role

3.3. Training Manager Roles

3.4. After Training Manager Reviews Budget

3.5. Training Manager Report

4. Database Tables for Training Planner


 "Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."

1. Training Planner Functionality Overview

Business Model: Training is assigned after budget review:

  • Employee selects courses (internal or external) to submit for a given period
    • Supervisor reviews requests
    • Supervisor may reject or send on a user request to a training manager (TM)
  • Supervisor may create bulk requests
    • Supervisor may select employees for auto assignment which occurs if budget is reviewed
  • Training Manager reviews requests for organization
    • Training Mgr may set budget for organization
    • Training Mgr may grant a specific number of seats for a course by supervisor
    • Training Mgr may create organization bulk request and optionally selected employees
  • Training Manager reviews budget
    • System may automatically assign training
    • For approved training not yet assigned, Supervisor may assign courses to end users
    • User views training plan for period

Training Planner Work-Flow:



1.1. Objectives

  • Functions of Training Planner
  • Setup Configuration Options needed for Training Planner
  • Interactions to manage training requests
  • Record Learning and view request for Attended events
  • Run reports to compare budgeted to actual amounts



2. Training Planner: Configure and Set up Training Planner

Steps to Configure Training Planner

  1. Go to References > Training Planner > Training Request Periods
    • Create one or more training periods
  2. Go to System Adminitration > System Management Tools > Import Data
    • Create and import a template for Organization Budget
  3. Go to References > Finance > Cost Names
    • Create one ore more cost names and apply to user
  4. Go to References > External Learning > Training Purposes
    • Create one or more entries for training purpose
  5. Go to References > External Learning > Training Vendors
    • Create records for external training vendors
  6. Go to People > Organizations > Training Managers
    • Add one or more training managers


Types of Configuration Applicable
User Permissions Access Training Planner
User Menu Easy Links > Training Planner
Admin Permissions

User Management > View, Edit, Add Organization Training Budget

Finance > View, Search, Add, Edit, Copy, and Delete Cost Names

Learning Activities > View, Search, Add, Edit, Copy, and Delete Training Purpose... Training Vendors... Training Requests

People Management > View and Edit Organization Training Managers

People Management > Add, Edit, View, Organization Training Budget

Reports > Run Training Planner Projected vs. Actuals Report

Search > Search Cost Names, Search Training Vendors, Search Training Purposes, Search Training Request Periods

Learning Activities > Add, View, Edit, Delete Training Vendor... Training Request Period... Training Purposes

2.1. Administrator Set up

Training Request Period

  • Must have a start/end date
  • In order to create requests for a request period, you will need to check the “Allow Planning” checkbox
  • Only Active request periods will appear in the UI


  • Users and supervisors must be associated to organizations in order to submit requests
  • Specify a training manager (TM) for organizations (you don’t need to specify one for all organizations, but at least the top level). TM will have access to org. and all its sub-orgs


  • Make sure that users have access to libraries if you want them to be able to submit requests for internal items


2.1.1. Configure Training Request Periods:

  1. Go to References > Training Planner > Training Request Periods - > Add New
  2. Provide a period ID and description


  • Select “Only after Budget Review” to support a business model in which learning can only be assigned by a supervisor after budget review.
  • Select “Before or after Budget Review” to allow Supervisors to assign training from the Training Planner before or after their organization's budget is reviewed.


2.1.2. Designate Training Manager(s)

  1. Log in to admin side and go to People >Organizations > Organization record ->Training Manager tab.
  2. Search for training Managers by User ID ->Select Add
  3. Remove a training manager if needed using Remove
  4. Select Apply Changes



2.1.3. Import Training Budgets:

  1. Go to Import Data -> Organization Budget and download the template.
  2. Open in Excel and populate with data.
  3. To upload the budget, use Data Import -> Select Record Type ->Organization Budget.
  4. Choose import option -> Add and Update -> Submit.
  5. Continue and watch for validation

*Note* Immediate Org budget is the budget for that Org's level, Total budget is the budget that the sub orgs plus Immediate org. budget goes with*



2.1.4. Admin Confirms Budget Import:

  1. Go to Organization -> Organization Budget
  2. View and Confirm



2.1.5. Import the Currency Conversion Set:

  1. Go to Learning Admin -> System Admin -> Tools -> Data Import -> Download Template
  2. Select References from the Record Type dropdown Menu
  3. Select the Currency Conversion worksheet
  4. Open the downloaded file and populate with data
  5. Import the spreadsheet



2.1.6. Create the External Vendor List:

  1. Go to References > External Vendors > Training Vendors
  2. Select Add New and create each record



2.1.7. View a Budget

  1. Go to People > Organizations
  2. Search for an Organization by ID, Description, Organization type or Organization Group
  3. Select Edit button
  4. Select the Training Budgets tab.  The Budget displays for the organization for all Learning Requests Periods

NOTES: Access to the Training Budget menu is governed by Admin Permissions:

  • People Management -> View Organization Training Budget
  • People Management -> Edit Organization Training Budget


2.1.8. Notifications Templates of Training Planner

There is 5 email notifications that are automatic when using the Training planner:

  • Supervisor receives Notice to Make Assignments
  • Training Needs Modified by Supervisor
  • Training Needs Rejected by Org Owner (Training Manager)
  • Training Needs Rejected by Supervisor
  • Training Needs Requested

2.1.9. Reporting Legal Entities

Reference the guide for setup

2.2. Permissions:

Add to Learning Assignments

  • Allows a user to self assign learning from library search, Item details, Curricula in search results and details page, and library view from BizX CDP, Succession Planning and Competency Search and Profile and Performance goals.
  • To support a business model in which learning can only be assigned by a supervisor after budget review or a TM, remove “Add to Learning Assignments” from your user roles.

Withdraw from Class

  • Required for a user to withdraw from a class.
  • You may prevent users from withdrawing from a class by removing “Withdraw from Class” from your user roles.

2.3. Auto-Assignment

  • For efficiency, enable Auto-Assignment which automatically assigns individual and bulk training requests (works in conjunction with the ability to select employees for a request). Automatic assignment is independent of the Training Request period "Supervisor can Assign Training" setting.
    • System Admin > Configuration > System Configuration > LMS_ADMIN; Set autoAssignReviewedTrainingRequests to “true”

  • When enabled, seats granted for individual or bulk requests with selected employees will be automatically assigned to the employees learning assignments when the training manager reviews the budget if sufficient seats are granted. Assignment is near real time through a background job. Administrators can view the status of the auto assignment or unassignment jobs in System Admin > Background Jobs.
    • If the number of seats granted is less than the total of individual requests and selected users for bulk request, no assignments are made automatically and the Supervisor may use Training Planner to make assignments.
    • Supervisors cannot remove automated assignments made by the Training Planner.
    • If the budget review is removed, any automated assignments are unassigned.

  • Assignments will have the Assignment Type from the Item. Admins can set a default Assignment Type that will be used if an Item does not have an Assignment Type. Default value is blank. If this value is blank when Reviewing the budget, the training manager will be warned and can cancel budget approval and auto assignment.
    • System Admin > Configuration > System Configuration > LMS_ADMIN; Set defaultAssignmentTypeForAutoAssignTrainingRequests to a valid Assignment Type 



3. Training Planner: Manage Training Requests

 Steps to Manage Training Requests


3.1. Accessing Training Planner: Same for all Users

Requires “Access Training Planner” permission

Once the Training Planner opens, how it looks depends on the permissions of the viewer.

The Training Manager will see three overview panels:

  • My Requests
  • My Team's Training Requests
  • My Organization Requests

The Supervisor will see two overview panels:

  • My Requests
  • My Team's Training Requests

The Employee will see one overview panel:

  • My Requests

3.1. Employee Role

3.1.1. User Request Internal Training


  1. Go to Training Planner -> Select the training period from the dropdown menu -> View my requests
  2. Select Add Course -> Find From Library


  3. Search in Library
  4. Library reflects addition and user can add more
  5. Enter Additional costs and request comments
  6. User home after library request added - icons for types


  7. Government Reporting Enabled


  8. Complete the form as prompted and send to manager

3.1.2. User Request External Training

  1. Add Course -> Add Outside Course
  2. Complete the form as prompted, complete and send to manager

User home after library and outside request added



User Home after submitted requests to manager



3.2. Supervisor Role

3.2.1. Supervisor Reviews Requests


  1. Go to Training Planner -> Select the training time period from dropdown menu -> View My Team's Training Requests


  2. Scroll to New Team Requests and review Requests
  3. Use Add Course to add a different course as a recommendation
  4. Can Exclude, then choose Change Request Period to move the request or Reject Course
  5. When Complete, select Send Requests for Review to pass the request to the organization's Training Manager(s)
  6. Can return to list and select Edit Assignments -> Assign or Defer


NOTE: if Supervisor assigns the item to the user BEFORE the request is approved by the Training Manager, supervisor can remove assignment later if the request is rejected.


3.2.2. Supervisor rejects the course

Picture25.png Supervisor rejected courses are still visible, but in separate section



3.2.3. Supervisor Defers request



3.2.4. Supervisor total requested is updated for rejected and deferred course (Amount and Hours)



3.2.5. Supervisor can add bulk request from library or outside


3.2.6. Supervisor bulk request



3.2.7. Supervisor manages Bulk Requests

Picture32.png Supervisor selects Employees for Bulk Request

Picture33.png Supervisor Bulk Request with Selected Employees



3.2.8. Supervisor Submits Request




3.3. Training Manager Role

3.3.1. Training Manager Manages the Organization's Requests

  1. Go to Training Planner -> Select the training period from the dropdown -> View My Organizations Requests
  2. View the summary list -> View / Edit Requests
  3. Set Fixed number of seats -> Select Save
  4. Or Reject a request and provide a reason
  5. Can download a spreadsheet of requests






3.3.2. Training Planner download Report to a Spreadsheet




 3.3.3. Training Manager view Organization requests grouped by course



3.3.4. Training manager filters requests



3.3.5. Training Manager views course requests grouped by supervisor (doesn’t see individual / bulk)



3.3.6. Training Manager Modifies Selected Employees



3.3.7. Training Manager Grants Seats which Caps the number for a Supervisor



 3.3.8. Amount requested and seats are adjusted for rejected and granted



 3.3.9. Training Manager can create request for library or outside Course



3.3.10. Training Manager creates organization request from library



3.3.11. Training Manager Manages Organization Request



3.3.12. Training Manager selects Employee for Organization Request



3.3.13. Training Manager can assign organization requests before budget review


3.3.14. Training Manager before budget approval



3.3.16. Training Manager Reviews Budget



3.4. After Training Manager Reviews Budget

3.4.1. Training Manager view after budget review



3.4.2. Auto Assignment


3.4.3. Manager View After Budget Review


3.4.5. Manager views Auto-Assignments


3.4.6. Manager can Assign remaining granted seats



3.4.7. User View after Budget Review



3.4.8. Record Learning History and Cost

  1. Go to Add Learning History with Finance
  2. Select the item and the users
  3. This is a sample screen to record external learning with a cost of $2000.

Notice that you must select an Account Code, in this case the organizations's account code (ACME)



3.4.9. User/Supervisor Views Attended



3.4.10. Training Manager: Reject an Approved Request

  1. Go to Training Planner -> My Organization Requests -> Select View Requests
  2. Select View/Edit Requests -> Select Reject and enter a comment -> Select Reject to Finalize



3.4.11. Manager: Respond to a Rejected Request

  1. Go to Training Planner -> Select My Training Team's Requests
  2. Review the comments from the training manager
  3. Select Save and re-submit the request




3.5. Training Planner Report

  1. Reports
  2. Run Training Planner Projected/Actuals

Note: Access to this report is governed by admin workflow: Reports-> Run Training Planner Projected vs. Actuals Report




  • Output when 2 seats were approved for Item ABC and 3 users have learning history for item ABC for this training request period.
  • Deviation shows amount exceeding the budget.
  • There is no report that lists the approved/assigned users.  The supervisor needs to track this level of detail.



Training Planner Projected/Actuals (PDF)

PDF report output when 2 seats were approved for item ABC and 3 users have learning history for Item ABC for this training request period.  Deviation shows amount exceeding the budget.



Q1 Why can I not see the projected data for some trainings?

Once a customer starts using the Training Planner functionality, this report will be generated for ALL learning history for users in this organization for the given training Request Period.
Even of the training was NOT assigned via the training planner, the report still tracks this course as part of the organization budget.

The training requests must be approved and assigned to be taken into account in the projected data.

If you would like to avoid this, record learning history when there are no costs recorded. You can do this by using the Record learning multiple wizard (Users > Tools) which skips the financial steps or just leave all costs as zero.
Any items recorded for a training request period that has costs will be included in this organization's report.

You can identify such requests in the report if under Planned the value is NO. This means the request was never submitted via the Training Planner and therefore there will be no projected data available, only actual costs.

Example of an HTML report where the Planned value is set to NO:


Q2 Why is the report trying to present the information by manager?

This is the report design, after the budget is approved, supervisors would go in and assign training requests to their subordinates. That is why report is sorting the information by supervisor.

Also note that the Projected in this report is not the same as the uploaded budget:

  • The uploaded budget is to help triage the requests and is not part of the projected vs actual report. 
  • The projected is coming from the item price for individual requests.

Q3: Additionally, why aren't the trainings planned in "My Organization Requests" being presented in the report?

The current training planner actual/budget report does not include organization requests (request type = Training Manager).
This would need to be an enhancement request.




4.  Database Tables for Training Planner

These are the main tables used for the training planner functionality in the LMS database. it is just for information purpose and for Customer Support Knowledge when troubleshooting Training Planner incidents.

PA_TRAINING_CREDIT_TYPE This table stores the training planner credit type references. Admin can add entries into this table from the references --> learning section. 
PA_TRAINING_PURPOSE This table stores the training planner purpose references. Admin can add entries into this table from the references --> learning section. 
PA_TRAINING_REQUEST This is the key table for training planner feature. This table contains all the Training requests received from the organization.
PA_TRAINING_REQUEST_COST This table stores the associated cost details of a training request. 
PA_TRAINING_REQUEST_JOB_INFO This table is used to track the status of the job scheduled for auto assign/ un assign operations
PA_TRAINING_REQUEST_LIMIT This table stores the training request limit details.
PA_TRAINING_REQUEST_PERIOD This table is to store training request period
PA_TRAINING_REQUEST_PROGRAM This table is to store program training request
PA_TRAINING_SOURCE This table is to store training source
PA_TRAINING_TYPE This table stores Training Planner Type reference data
PA_TRAINING_VENDOR This table stores Training Planner Vendor data.






SAP SuccessFactors Learning


SAP, SuccessFactors, Learning, LMS, Training Planner LMS, LMS Training Planner, How to set up Training Planner, Support Training Planner, Issue Training Planner, Training Planner Projected/Actuals Report , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-TRA , Training Planner , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions


HR862_EN_Col62_10_Training Planner.pdf