SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2273586 - How to Update a Message in the Panel Using the Localization File - Onboarding 1.0


  • Changing the message in the panel displayed to a manager/new hire
  • How to remove the message in a particular panel

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SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0


Prerequisite: Access to Super admin site.

Please follow the steps on how to:

  1. In the admin site , see whether you have Debug extended locale : DBG2 (Admin site -> Locales). If you do not have this locale, please add it
  2. If you have "debug extended locale" already available in super admin, then you can switch to Debug extended locale
  3. Keep the extended debug locale as default in Super Admin
  4. Change the Onboarding Work Queue to old version (DOES NOT LOAD IN NEW VERSION)
  5. Use the URL to access Onboarding - https://<ONBLOGINURL>/ONBPREM
  6. Your screen will have lot of keys. It is expected behavior.
  7. Process one candidate. When you come to the panel where you want to change the text, please make note of the Keys
    (Example: L:lblManagerTurn2.Text;XpressHR.UserControls.App_LocalResources.ApplicantSignForms.DBG2.ascx.resources)
  8. Here L represent Local and G represents Global. Next is the key (lblManagerTurn2.Text). Then is the path (XpressHR.UserControls.App_LocalResources.ApplicantSignForms.DBG2.ascx.resources)
  9. To change the locale of the link in the welcome letter: Click on the link and it will open in the browser. This link will end with account information. After this account information you have to add &Locale=DBG2. (<Unique ID>&Account=<Company id>&Locale=DBG2)
  10. Now Go to Super administrator site > Import/Export Setting > LocalizationResource
  11. Click on LocalizationResource
  12. Select Export and submit:
  13. Open the xml file in an XML editor
  14. Find the key (lblManagerTurn2.Text) in the XML / If the key is not available then add the key, path and the value
  15. Change the message and save the file
  16. Now Go to Super administrator site > Import/Export Setting > LocalizationResource and import the file:
  17. Now go to the application > My profile and change the locale to the default one
  18. Run the test and confirm the updated message 


  • Please ensure to delete the DBG2 from the Path in the XML file, or Change it to Locale the file is being altered for e.g. en-US


After Changes:


  • For Data key="litTitle.Text.CompletedFirtstStep, use the following path: path="XpressHR.UserControls.App_LocalResources.SF_DefaultThankYou.ascx.resources"
    • <Data key="litTitle.Text.CompletedFirtstStep" path="XpressHR.UserControls.App_LocalResources.SF_DefaultThankYou.ascx.resources"><Value><![CDATA[You have now provided all the required information, thank you. We look forward to meeting you soon.]]></Value></Data>
    • In addition, this key “litTitle.Text.CompletedFirtstStep” is a type of key that cannot be use to localize for a specific process’ name. Instead, you can use the key for localization, but the statement or message will apply to all processes.


  • All the keys that start with L MUST be place in LocalResources and G in GlobalResources
  • For LocalResources the path is after the ";", so it is L = local, then key, then path (if it is L), bellow the example:
    • L:LoginName1.FormatString;XpressHR.App_LocalResources.MasterPage.DBG2.master.resources
      • tag - L
      • Key - LoginName1.FormatString
      • path - XpressHR.App_LocalResources.MasterPage.DBG2.master.resources
  • To see the path for key it is necessary to login Onboarding directly
  • Path is only for localresources


Onboarding, OBD, Onb, Key, Path, Locale, Dbg2, Localization, LocalResources, GlobalResources, Message, Panel, Extended, Debug, Localizationresources , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-PAN , Panels, Panel Designer , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions