SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2241714 - Error Occurs When you try to Save a Customer Invoice: "Saving not possible; document numbering rule missing for "


Error occurs When you try to save a Customer Invoice: Saving not possible; document numbering rule missing for .


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

We will use the document Type Invoice as an example but the issue can also occur for Credit Memo or Down Payments:

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Go to the Invoice Documents view.
  3. Search and open customer invoice XYZ (XYZ represents the ID of the customer invoice).
  4. Save the customer invoice.
  5. Error occurs: Saving not possible; document numbering rule missing for .


You need to ensure that you create a valid document numbering rule for the Company of the Seller Party and the Tax Country.


  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Go to the Overview view.
  3. Search for Document Numbering Formats for Customer Invoicing.
  4. Select and choose View button.
  5. Depending on the Tax Country of the invoice click on the hyperlink Define document numbering formats for ABC (ABC represents either India, France and Italy or Other countries).
  6. Filter for the available rules for your Company ID (which is the seller company of the invoice XYZ).
  7. You need to ensure that a valid rule is maintained for the respective Tax Country and Document Type. 

See Also

Please see also the following related KBA's for this error message:

2698432 - Cannot Save an Invoice Document Because of Error "Save not possible; document numbering rule missing for ABC"

1845478 - You are not Able to Release a Customer Invoice, an Error Message Occurs:"Save not possible,document numbering rule missing for"

3145266 - Missing Expected Customer Invoice Rule

3027676 - Numbering Rule Missing Error When No Rule is Expected for Customer Invoice


Customer Invioce; Document Numbering Rule; Error; missing; Credit Memo; Down Payment; Invoicing , KBA , AP-CI , Customer Invoice Processing , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions