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2209662 - Unable to initialize the DSL Service Provider & refresh failed errors while creating or refreshing Lumira documents


  • After setting up a distributed environment with multiple servers with BI Platform and Lumira Server for BIP installed, users are getting refresh failed errors while trying to create new Lumira documents or refresh existing lumira documents
  • Creating new lumira documents with the Lumira desktop using Universe Query Panel fail with following error :  Error in query panel:Unable to initialize the DSL Service Provider. Ensure that the universe has not been removed, that you have sufficient rights to access it, and that the BI platform has a valid license.

  • unableInitDSLservice.png 























  • On BI Launchpad,  refreshing a pre-created lumira document published to the server fails with following error : Refresh Failed: Dataset Refresh Failed.
  • refresh_failed.png
  • Lumira desktop client on the BI server seems to work while creating & refreshing lumira documents when all the BI processes including lumira specific services are running locally (and all other server SIAs are stopped).
  • The issue occurs with Administrator user with full rights to all required resources.
  • Oracle client middleware (64-bit & 32-bit) is configured properly and access to the database instances have been tested via tnsping and sqlplus.
  • A WebI report based on the same universe (UNX) works fine in the same distributed environment even as the lumira document doesnt.




SAP Lumira 1.0, server version for the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform ; SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0


Lumira, server, desktop, BIP, ls4bip, FWM 01014,fail , KBA , BI-LUM-SRV-BIP , SAP Lumira Server for BI Platform , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , Problem

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