SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2179206 - After updating the Learning Plan Notification Settings, users are still not receiving notifications


Users are not receiving the Learning Plan Notifications even though they have courses assigned to them and the APM for Learning Plan Notification changes is executing without errors


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Access Learning Administration
  2. Navigate to System Administration > Application Administration > User Setting
  3. There are 6 available checkboxes under the Learning Plan Email Notification Settings section
    • Notify User when item added to their learning plan
    • Notify User when item modified in their learning plan
    • Notify User when item removed from their learning plan
    • Notify Supervisor when User successfully completes an item
    • Notify Supervisor when User unsuccessfully completes an item
    • Allow User to modify learning plan notification settings
  4.  Make any changes in the settings (Checking or unchecking the options) in the first 5 checkboxes, and click the Apply Changes
  5. Note that existing users continue to see the previous Learning Plan Notification behavior as prior to making these changes, the notification settings don't seem to have been changed  


Based on the scenario above, users are not receiving Notifications because the changes have not been Propagated to existing users


  • When making any changes in the Learning Plan Notification Settings (checking or unchecking the option) in the first 5 checkboxes, the changes must be propagated to all users by clicking the "Propagate Learning Plan Email Notification Changes" button
  • If this is skipped and only "Apply Changes" is clicked, those changes will not be propagated to existing users and applied only to newly created users
  • To Propagate to all users:
    1. Access Learning Administration
    2. Navigate to System Administration > Application Administration > User Setting
    3. Make desired changes
    4. Click Apply Changes to save them
    5. Click Propagate Learning Plan Email Notification Changes
    6. Propagating Learning Plan Notification Changes can take a long time and runs as a background job

 Important Notes:

  • This is not applicable for the 6th checkbox which states "Allow User to modify learning plan email notification settings"
  • This setting allows users to modify the 5 settings above from the "Options and Settings" link on the Links tile on the User Learning Landing Page
  • Checking or Unchecking this one option does not require the change to be propagated, it applies to all users once "Apply Changes" has been clicked
  • If users have the ability to modify their own learning plan notification settings, these will be overwritten when propagating the changes
  • If after propagating the changes, there is still an issue, please check the individual users learning plan notification preferences to see if they have changed them


SF SuccessFactors Learning LMS Notification User Settings Propagate Learning Plan Change modify edit , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To


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