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2144428 - Top 10 reasons Forms Are Not Transferring to New Manager or Failed to Route to Manager - Performance Management


  • Forms stuck with wrong person.
  • Why are documents not transferring to new manager?
  • Forms appear to be stuck with "System System". (This is the user account all automated transactions are logged against. Typically it is not physically with "system" but actually still with the inactive user or old manager.)
  • Most often forms fail to transfer to a new manager, but many of the points below apply equally as well to forms failing to route to other users in the route map.


  • Please refer to our Guided Answers tree to get help in troubleshooting Document Transfer issues when making a change in the subject's Manager, Matrix Manager or HR Rep.
  • If the issue is not with Managers but with other users, refer to KBA 2078700 - Top 10 Reasons Forms Failed to Route to Next Step, Forms Did Not Move or Moved to Wrong User or Step
  • If the problem is the opposite, where forms moved when it was not expected, see KBA 2078153 Form Transferred When it Shouldn't



SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions


sf, success factors, PMGM, PM, route, form, document, map, not transferring, stuck, old manager, hide, visibility, automatic, transfer, options, enroute, inbox, collaborative, c-step, entry, exit, change engine, hris sync, template, PMT-8849 , KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-PM-MAP , Routing, Route Maps & Workflows , LOD-SF-PM , Performance Management , Problem

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