SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2135479 - Using Field-based permissions (FBP) - Compensation


Field-based permissions are available for nearly all standard and custom fields. Field restrictions are applied to the worksheet, budget overview, youcalc widgets, compensation profile, and ad hoc reports.


To enable Field Based Permissions, please refer to KBA 2091568 - How to enable Field Based Permissions (FBP) - Compensation.

Common Uses for FBP

Hide worksheet fields that are not meaningful to Planners (ie, prorating, salary rate units); 2) Add country specific worksheet fields that are visible to Planners in one country; 3) Custom field viewable by HR only; 4) Change fields to read only while HR reviews the outcome from the planning process.


  • Currently YouCalc is not supported with FBP. If you apply ANY field based permission to a user for ANY field, that user will no longer see YouCalc widgets. Therefore for users that need to use YouCalc do not enable FBP for them. CALC-1891
  • If a field is restricted on the worksheet, it will also be restricted/hidden in the budget overview and Youcalc widgets. 
  • If a field that is restricted shares a budget or widget with another field, the combined budget overview/widget will be restricted/hidden.
  • Hidden fields cannot be exported
  • Not every field possible is supported. See below for list of unsupported fields.
  • FBP does not follow target population, so if you allow edit permission to a specific role, all employees under that role will be able to edit irrespective of the target population.

Unsupported Fields

These fields cannot be hidden.

bonusGuideline    Bonus guideline
bonusObjDesc    Objective description
bonusObjName    Objective name
bonusAchievement    Objective achievement
bonusAchievement2    Objective achievement 2
bonusPayout    Objective payout
bonusRating    Objective rating
bonusWeight    Objective weight
salaryNote    Salary note
bonusNote    Bonus note
stockNote    Stock note
summaryTotalCompensation    Total compensation shown in summary tab
summaryPmRating    PM rating in shown summary tab
summaryCompRating    Comp rating shown in summary tab
budgetTotalRaise    Budget for Total Raise
budget    Budget
budgetAmount    Budget amount
moreToAllocate    More to allocate
budgetName    Budget name
budgetPlannedTotal    Total planned budget amount
unallocated    Unallocated budget amount
compensation    Compensation
salaryTab    Salary tab
stockTab    Stock tab
bonusTab    Bonus tab
variablePayTab    Variable Pay tab
userName    Employee full name
userNamePreData    Employee full name before raise data fields
empFirstName    Employee first name
empLastName    Employee last name
mgrName    Employee's manager full name
mgrFirstName    Employee's manager first name
mgrLastName    Employee's manager last name
bonusMgrFirstName    Employee's manager first name in bonus tab
bonusMgrLastName    Employee's manager last name in bonus tab
stockMgrFirstName    Employee's manager first name in stock tab
stockMgrLastName    Employee's manager last name in stock tab
salaryMgrId    Employee's manager ID in salary tab
bonusMgrId    Employee's manager ID in bonus tab
stockMgrId    Employee's manager ID in stock tab
compensationEligible    Compensation eligibility
salaryEligible    Salary eligibility
bonusEligible    Bonus eligibility
stockEligible    Stock eligibility
promoEligible    Promotion eligibility
meritEligible    Merit eligibility
extraEligible    Adjustment eligibility
extra2Eligible    Adjustment 2 eligibility
lumpsumEligible    Lump sum eligibility
lumpsum2Eligible    Lump sum 2 eligibility
stockStockEligible    Stock field eligibility
stockOptionEligible    Option eligibility
stockUnitsEligible    Stock units eligibility
stockOther1Eligible    Stock other 1 eligibility
stockOther2Eligible    Stock other 2 eligibility
stockOther3Eligible    Stock other 3 eligibility
executiveRuleViolation    Rule violation flag in executive review
salaryAction    Salary action
bonusAction    Bonus action
stockAction    Stock action
executiveAction    Executive review action
compensationReadOnly    Entry read only flag


field-based, permission, permissions, custom, fields, worksheet, budget overview, youcalc widgets, compensation profile, YouCalc , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Compensation all versions