SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1211902 - How to increase the number of field values displayed when using a static parameter or browsing field data.


When browsing field data in a report or creating a static parameter, not all of the data from the database is shown.

Why is this and can the number of values shown be increased?


In order to maximize performance, only a subset of the database data is shown. This is by design.


The number of field values displayed when using Browse Field Data or creating a static parameter is determined by two keys in the windows registry.

" BrowseTimeout - specifies how long (in seconds) Crystal Reports browses the data in your database

" MaxNBrowseValues - specifies how many records Crystal Reports browses in your database

Once the conditions have been satisfied for one of these items, Crystal Reports stops browsing the database.

The following resolution involves editing the registry. Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall the Microsoft Windows operating system. Use the Registry Editor at your own risk. It is strongly recommended that you make a backup copy of the registry files before you edit the registry. For information on how to edit the registry key, view the 'Changing Keys And Values' online Help topic in the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).
  • You must be logged on either as the Administrator or a user with full administrative rights.
  • This solution only works for STATIC parameters. If you are using dynamic parameters, please refer to article 1219715.

To access the BrowseTimeout and MaxNBrowseValues items in the registry:

1. Close Crystal Reports (CR). This ensures the following changes are saved.

2. On the Start menu, click Run.

3. Type "Regedit", then click OK. This opens the Registry Editor.

4. Drill down as shown below:

" If you have version 5 of CR, drill-down to the following registry subkey:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer

" If you have version 6, 7, or 8 of CR, drill-down to following registry subkey:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer

" If you have version 9 of CR, drill-down to the following registry subkey:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer

" If you have version 10 of CR, drill-down to the following registry subkey:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Decisions\10.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer
" If you have version XI Release 1 of CR, drill-down to the following registry subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objects\Suite 11.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer
" If you have version XI Release 2 of CR, drill-down to the following registry subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer

5. To change how long CR browses the data in your database:

  1. Double-click the BrowseTimeout item. This opens the Edit DWORD Value dialog box.
  2. In the Base section, click Decimal.
  3. In the Value Data box, type in the maximum number of seconds you CR to spend reading your database before stopping and displaying all unique values it found. Entering zero disables the timeout option.
  4. Click OK to save the change.

6. To change how many records CR browses in your database:

  1. Double-click the MaxNBrowseValues item. This opens the Edit DWORD Value dialog box.
  2. In the Base section, select Decimal.
  3. In the Value Data box, type in the maximum number of records you want CR to read before stopping and displaying all unique values it found.
  4. Click OK to save the change.

7. On the Registry menu click Exit.

8. Restart Windows.

The next time you open Crystal Reports, these changes will be in effect.
Note: If the keys above do not exist, create them manually as DWORD data types in the paths specified above and add the numeric values you would like into the value portion of the key.


BROWSE FIELDS MAXNBROWSEVALUES BROWSE TIMEOUT MAXNBROWSE Crystal Reports Browse Fields MaxNBrowseValues and BrowseTimeout registry values , c2006602, 1219715 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To


SAP Crystal Reports 10.0 ; SAP Crystal Reports 8.0 ; SAP Crystal Reports 9.0 ; SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2