SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2104621 - How to edit the Requisition Posting Expiration Upcoming email trigger and use the tokens - Recruiting Management


How to edit the Requisition Posting Expiration Upcoming email trigger and use the tokens?


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management


1. Create a new template

  1. Go to Admin Tools > Recruiting > Manage Recruiting Email Templates;
  2. Create a new template that MUST contain the tokens [[BEGIN_REPEAT]] and [[END_REPEAT]].
  • Example:


One or more postings for the following Job Requisitions are about to expire.


Posting types expiring are:


Please act on them.


2. Enable the email trigger

  1. Go to Admin Tools > Recruiting > Recruiting Email Triggers;
  2. Enable the trigger ''Requisition Posting Expiration Upcoming";
  3. Select a Trigger Point;
  4. Select an email template;
  5. Specify Recipients as needed;
  6. Validate standard tokens and save.
  • Example:

        Posting Expiration_trigger.png

  • Attention:
    • This is an asynchronous email trigger which runs only twice every day at 8am and 8pm server time.
    • There is a quartz job which runs to collect all job postings which will expire within certain time. The Job Owner for the quartz job is by default the logged-in admin user who "enables & saves" the email trigger.
    • It sends a consolidated email content, i.e. an email mentioning more than one job postings. The email template MUST contain [[BEGIN_REPEAT]] and [[END_REPEAT]] tokens defined in the "Tips" section.

See Also

  • KBA 2144747 - Tokens are not working with triggers Requisition Posted or Requisition Posting Expiration Upcoming
  • KBA 2416498 - Job posting expiration notification email has grey line


posting expiration, recruiting, trigger, email trigger, recruiting email trigger, job requisition expiration, token , KBA , sf recruiting , LOD-SF-RCM-EML , Recruiting Emails and Notifications , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , LOD-SF-RCM-JOB , Job Postings & Requisitions , How To


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