SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2808603 - Output Parameter Determination - Creation of condition Field


You want to create a condition field based on current CDS view fields. For example you want to create the email channel output request for some payment methods but not all, for Payment Advice.


When when making payment where filter set on payment method in Output Parameter 'Form Template', the system generates custom forms and in addition also generates the standard template form (FIN_FO_PAYM_ADVICE).

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SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


In the standard the email channel is always created.  Condition field 'Payment method' is not the pre-delivered condition field.

For this requirement, part condition filter setting should be done in step 'Channel'.

Condition field 'Payment method' is not the pre-delivered condition field.  This condition field should be added by Administrator manually.

  1. In App Output Parameter Determination (APP ID APOC_WD_BRF_DEC_TAB_MAINTAIN) Show Rules For Payment Advice, Determination Step Channel
    Change BRF+,  and push 'Table Settings'.


  2. In the popup window,  push the menu button 'Insert Column' ->  'From Context Data Objects'.


  3. In next popup window,  click the field 'Payment Method'.


  4. The conditon field ‘Payment Method’ should be added in the condition column.  And then push the ‘OK’ button.


  5. The new condition field ‘Payment method’ is added.  Administrator can define their own filter condition for different channel.


  6. The filter condition maintained in step Channel should be the same with step 'Form Template'.
  7. Check each of the Determination Steps to ensure each is consistent with each other.

See Also

J60 test script See section BRF+ Settings for Payment Advice

2671183 - No email recipient has been maintained

2756062 - Email address from customer master data is not considered for output of payment advice in "Manage Automatic Payments" app


APOC_WD_BRF_DEC_TAB_MAINTAIN, BRF+, PAYM_ADV, J60, Payment Advice, FIN_FO_PAYM_ADVICE, payment method, FFO_PAYM_ADVICE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE, Channel, EMAIL, PRINT, Manage automatic Payments, F0770, custom, standard , KBA , FI-FIO-AP , Fiori UI for Accounts Payable , FI-FIO-AP-2CL , Fiori UI for Accounts Payable (Public Cloud) , CA-GTF-OC , SAP S/4HANA output management , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions